The story concerns a young man living at home, André, whose ideas are radically different from those of his farmer father. The father advocates order and restraint, which enhance his own power under the guise of family love. The son seeks freedom and pleasure, exemplified in his passion for his sister Ana. When André moves to a seedy boarding house, his older brother Pedro, is asked by their mother to bring him back. His return, however, will shatter the family’s insular life.
Tag: 2000s
Kagatani Shizuo, an employee at home electronics manufacturer Victor Company of Japan (JVC) is transferred to the home video division of the company’s Yokohama factory, and told to cut the division’s staff by 20%. But Kagatani doesn’t want to fire anyone so he decides to increase sales instead by developing a home video player. Inspired by Kagatani’s impassioned phrase, “We have to defend our jobs ourselves,” the employees pour their efforts into product development, and perfect a trial model, VHS.
While unearthing an icon of the Holy Madonna in her small apartment, an elderly Greek woman sighs that she is in the inevitable winter of her life. She studies a textbook of the French language, which she used to have a thorough command of, but unfortunately let slide. She hardly reads anymore, either, which she thinks rather stupid of herself. Her window on the world is her television, which she briskly comments on. The bleach-blond anchor woman is very sharp, but her favourite is newsreader Niko. The Box is a reflection in miniature format about old age and one-way communication in our media-dominated society.
Based on true events and featuring actual news footage, this film tells the story of Placido Rizzotto, who, after a tumultuous childhood and adolescence, decides to stand up against the gangsters who have overrun his hometown. Placido organizes a union and tries to convince his fellow villagers to fight with him. But it’s not until Placido’s girlfriend, Lia, is ruthlessly brutalized by the Mafia that he realizes he has been playing with fire.
0cm4 is the philosophical story of a color-blind man called Maeda who decides to have an operation to cure his vision. The problem is that he is not quite sure if he wants to do it, as he thinks that everybody else in the world sees things differently. He’s afraid that after the operation, his world is not going to be the same.
May and her brother are inseparable as children. When May becomes an adolescent, she can’t seem to let go of memories of her childhood, which seem to sustain her in her cold, loveless middle class home in Diamond Hill.
The lingering illness and death of his beloved wife has left young Appalachian farmer Grins Jenkins a melancholy shell of his ebullient former self. As Christmas approaches, Jenkins can find no discernable reason for going on with his own life. But Grins’ four spunky and resourceful children not about to let their father wither and die of a broken heart. Based on a novel by Collin Wilcox Patton and Gary Carden, and filmed on location in Alberta,
For fear of enduring genital mutilation, a group of girls flee their own “purification” ceremony and take refuge with Collé, a woman who had spared her daughter from the same fate. Collé casts a spell to protect the girls, which causes much consternation among among the village elders. In retaliation, they confiscate all radios from the women villagers and demand that the spell be broken, but Collé nevertheless holds fast.