Tag: 1980s

March 30, 2021 / Drama

In his fourth feature, Århus loyalist Nils Malmros continues his reminiscing fiction portryals of school days in the 1950s. You follow a class during its final years of grade school. The kids are teenagers, clannish, clownish, sweet and vicious, struggling to make sense of their physical and mental growing pains. The film was shot over two years: the cast literally grew up along with the action.

March 30, 2021 / Comedy

A young New York woman, devastated to find out that her husband has been cheating on her, decides to hop a plane to Paris to get away. However, she falls asleep on the plane, misses her connection, and winds up in Israel, with no money, no luggage and no friends.

March 28, 2021 / Short

A street with pedestrians. Music. A voice reads the credits and clarifies, “This is a very violent film.” The action begins: a man crosses the street and enters his flat. He opens the door, puts out the fire under the kettle whistling in the kitchen, and enters the living room…

March 11, 2021 / Arthouse
March 11, 2021 / Drama

Pake has left a good paying job working in the oil fields of Texas in order to give the music business a try. Eventually he finds himself alone and with no money in a hotel room in Los Angeles. He sets up a meeting with his old girlfriend Kay. When he meets her, she is with her fiancee. He is a Greek immigrant who desperately needs to marry Kay in order to become a permanent resident in this country. However his plans are in trouble because of Pake trying to convince Kay to go back to Texas with him and get married.

March 11, 2021 / Animation

Rein Raamat’s Hell adapts the engravings of Estonian graphic artist Eduard Wiiralt into a surreal, grotesque, and heavily sexual animated short. Wiiralt’s three source works, “The Preacher,” “Cabaret,” and “Hell,” date back to the early 1930s and portray a cacophony of bacchanalia, hysteria, and violence in the final years of Estonian independence amid the unrest of the Great Depression and European instability.

March 6, 2021 / Drama

Spike Lee’s graduate school thesis film centers on a young man named Zack, who takes over as the manager of a Brooklyn barbershop after the former owner, Joe, is killed by local gangster Mr. Lovejoy for trying to skim money from the numbers racket he runs out of the store. Zack wants to legitimize the barbershop, but, when business slows down and Mr. Lovejoy comes calling, he’s tempted to follow down the same path as his predecessor.

February 24, 2021 / Arthouse

Chris Luger, a fascistic psychopath from The Hague, kidnaps the simple-minded daughter of a millionaire. Her dad refuses to pay the ransom.