The story revolves around Tom, who meets Sarah in the cafe in which she works. She is quickly swept up in Tom’s lifestyle, where she finds escape from her traumatic family life. The film follows her path into the world of clubbing and ecstasy, her personal relationship with Tom, and her growing family pressures.
Director: Peter Cattaneo.
Writer: Ol Parker.
Stars: Lena Headey, Ian Hart,Linda Bassett, Milly Gregory, Jason Isaacs, Rick Warden, Charlie Creed-Miles, Andrew Rajan, Sheila Whitfield, Philip Glenister, Clarence Smith, Trevor Cooper, Charles Edwards, Danny Dyer, Claire Sabre.
Note: New, better quality copy added on February 9, 2021.
This wasn’t very good but I’m grateful to be able to see it. I welcome any hard-to-find BBC single dramas.