The Sea God (1930)


The search for sunken treasure provides the basis for this adventure that begins when a treasure hunter’s dive is sabotaged. He is diving off the shore of a remote tropical island that is the scene of an inter island war between rival native bands. While he is underwater, enemy natives cut his air hose. He manages to survive and make it to the beach still wearing his cumbersome diving suit. The stunned local cannibals immediately hail him as a sea god. This ruse comes in handy when he finds that evil rival treasure hunters also inhabit the lush isle.

Director: George Abbott.
Stars: Richard Arlen, Fay Wray, Eugene Pallette, Robert Glecker, Ivan F. Simpson, Maurice Black, Bob Perry, Fred Wallace, Willie Fung, Sol K. Gregory, Mary De Bow, James P. Spencer.


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  1. Alfredo
    April 19, 2018

    Thanks so much for this Jon !! I have been intrigued about this for ages. Hope it delivers… sure it will if you chose to post it !!!!

  2. Allan
    February 5, 2019

    Not exactly Skull Island but there a number of things in the film that seem to interestingly prefigure King Kong. Of course there is the beautiful ,and in this film, brunette Fay Wray although with only one scream in the entire hour or so.. Richard Arlen looks like Bruce Cabot and I think dresses exactly like him. too. The cannibals with their nose rings and fluffed up hair are cousins to the King Kong branch of the tribe. It is of course absolute hokum but very enjoyable and again it has the wonderful Fay Wray.

  3. carol tenge
    January 23, 2023

    Great flick to spend a hot summer afternoon at the theatre watching…

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