The film is based on true events. It centers around Shunzo, a popular greengrocer who lives in a city near Tokyo. His life, and that of his wife, Michi and their two children, undergoes a dramatic change when he encounters Li, a poor college student from China.
Director: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi. AKA Beijing Watermelon / ぺきんのすいか
Writer: Yoshihiro Ishimatsu (screenplay).
Stars: Bengal, Masako Motai, Yasufumi Hayashi, Haruhiko Saitô, Takashi Sasano, Hana Kino, Akira Emoto, Yugi Ogata, Ryo Okubo, Ryô Iwamatsu, Kazunori Hagiwara, Hiromi Oshima, Hiromi Oda, Shinbo Minami, Ryo Amamiya, Wakaba Irie, Tôru Minegishi, Mitsuyo Asaka.
thank you for sharing this film