The film tells the story of a grounded American pilot during the Second World War who learns about the noble spirit of the Chinese poeple when he is rescued by the communist-led Chinese army after an emergency landing near the Great Wall. On the way to the Communist base, the pilot falls in love with a girl soldier whose lingering memory of being raped by the Japanese makes her a determined fighter. Half a century later, the American pilot returns to the Yellow River to pay his respects to the native people who rescued him.
Director: Xiaoning Feng. AKA Lover’s Grief Over the Yellow River / 黄河绝恋 / 黃河絕戀
Writer: Xiaoning Feng.
Stars: Jing Ning, Paul Kersey, Xinjun Wang, Tumen, Ming Li.
MP4 | 2.33GB | 1920×1072 | 25fps | 2955kb/s | AAC 192kb/s
Language: Mandarin | Subtitles: English (hard)
Pretty good looking HD copy of this Chinese film but unfortunately with hardcoded English subtitles which can be hard to read at times in scenes with white/bright backgrounds, still a nice upgrade compared to other copies of this film out there.
It’s bad but anyways it;s kinda touching. Could have been written better but instead they rely on too much dramatic and cringy story blah blah