Finding Interest (1994) AKA Suicide Ride


Barney Barnaby was alone, stuck in a life that seemed to be heading straight to nowhere. He could only find excitement in the larger-than-life world of action films. Looking for a real life adventure, Barney hires a hitman to have himself killed.

Directors: Samer Daboul, Trevor Sands. AKA Suicide Ride
Writer: Trevor Sands.
Stars: Timothy Patrick Quill, Matthias Hues, Frank Adonis, Linda Kerns, Catherine Healy, Richard Christian Wienker, Mike Cargile, Stephen Rappenport, James Chalke, Maynard T. Smith, Gordon Capps, Greg Trock, Christopher Kelley, Josh Lucas, Melissa Crist, David Ruth, Matthew Avila.
Cinematographer: Francis Mohajerin.
Composer: Rolfe Kent.


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