Chanel Solitaire (1981)


This movie tells the story of the early life and rise to fame and fortune of French fashion designer Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, beginning with her upbringing in an orphanage and training as a milliner, but concentrating on her relationship with Etienne de Balsan and her tempestuous love affair with his friend Boy Capel, and the role the two men played in setting her up as an independent business woman.

Director: George Kaczender.
Writers: Claude Delay (book), Julian More (screenplay).
Stars: Marie-France Pisier, Timothy Dalton, Rutger Hauer, Brigitte Fossey, Karen Black, Leila Fréchet, Philippe Nicaud, Alexandra Stewart, Catherine Allégret, Hélène Vallier, Jean-Marie Proslier, Humbert Balsan, Catherine Alcover, Corine Blue, Albert Augier, Lyne Chardonnet, Yvonne Dany, Isabelle Duby, Huguette Faget, Louise Vincent, David Gabison, Louba Guertchikoff, Philippe Mareuil, Nicole Maurey, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann, Lionel Rocheman, Violetta Sanchez, James Shuman, Jean Valmont, Sylvia Zerbib, Marie-Hélène Dasté, Jeremy Child, Yves Brainville, Lambert Wilson, Virginie Ogouz.
Cinematographer: Ricardo Aronovich.
Composer: Jean Musy.


Many thanks to @DaltonFishers for sending me a copy of this film.

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