Set in 1955, Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes is the true story of Sadako Sasaki, a young Japanese girl, on the threshold of adolescence, who developed leukemia from radiation caused by the bombing of Hiroshima. While hospitalized, her closest friend reminded her of the Japanese legend that if she folded a thousand paper cranes, the gods might grant her wish to be well again. With hope and determination, Sadako began folding.
Director: George Levenson.
Writers: Eleanor Coerr, George Levenson, Victoria Trostle.
Stars: Liv Ullmann (narrator).
Composer: George Winston.
Many thanks to Steve for sending me a copy of this film.
“Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes”. I tried downloading it here, but it wasn’t “there”. Can you do something about that please?
This looks like an interesting site. My first time visiting.
Sheila Storms
Hi Sheila,
Sorry about that, I’ve added a new download link just now, please try again 🙂
Thanks a lot for the support and welcome to rarefilmm! <3