Räpsy & Dolly is a tragicomic love story of a petty criminal and a former cabaret dancer. Detective Karisto releases Auno “Räpsy” Pirilä from prison, who in turn has to calve his childhood friend Börje from criminal activities. Alcoholic Dolly takes Räpsy to live in Kallio, Helsinki, and hopes to move to Paris with her in the spring.
Director: Matti Ijäs. AKA Dolly and Her Lover.
Writers: Matti Ijäs, Arto Melleri (screenplay & story).
Stars: Matti Pellonpää, Raija Paalanen, Kari Väänänen, Pertti Sveholm, Risto Salmi, Sulevi Peltola, Veikko Tiitinen, Eeva Litmanen, Taisto Aho, Tauno Lehtihalmes, Matti Halonen, Pentti Louko, Erkki Hyvönen, Yrjö Nieminen, Toivo Vilkkula, Juha-Veli Äkräs, Olli Pellikka, Irmeli Junnilainen, The Big Bad Girls, Paul Budsko, Daniel Katz, Raimo O. Niemi, Martti Kaukanen, Göran Schauman, Mikko Reitala, Pauli Vuorisalo, Ahmed Riza, Jarl Andersin, Hannu Viholainen, Jari Ålander, Make Lievonen, Aino Jurvanen, Rauha Wolska, Tauno Salmi, Kikka Rytkönen, Lauri Tornivuori, Erkki Lehtiranta, Kalevi Heinämaa.
Cinematographers: Tahvo Hirvonen, Juha-Veli Äkräs.
Composers: Henrik Otto Donner, Tuomari Nurmio.
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Many thanks to S L for sending me a copy of this film. English subtitles by deisto @KG
Another good, quirky film from Finland. Love it! Thanks!