La sfida dei MacKenna (1970) [English Dub] AKA Challenge of the McKennas / A Dollar and a Grave / Badlands Drifter


A former priest becomes embroiled in the drama raging between a Mexican rancher, his unhappy daughter and psychotic son whilst dealing with his own issues of guilt and a loss of faith. A new relationship with the local brothel keeper seems to offer a fresh start but the rancher and his son are set on making him pay for his interference and his own inner demons are never far away.

Director: León Klimovsky. AKA Challenge of the McKennas / A Dollar and a Grave / Badlands Drifter.
Writers: Pedro Gil Paradela, León Klimovsky, Edoardo Mulargia, Antonio Vlader.
Stars: Robert Woods, John Ireland, Annabella Incontrera, Roberto Camardiel, Mariano Vidal Molina, Daniela Giordano, Giovanni Cianfriglia, Attilio Dottesio, Sergio Sergio Mendizábal, Sergio Colesanti, Angelo Dessy, José Antonio López, Ferdinando Poggi, Angelo Botti.


Note: This is a fandubbed copy which uses a very nice looking HD WEBRip copy from a Spanish source (hence why the Spanish opening titles) with synced English audio track from a very old VHS release of the film, as you can expect the lip sync isn’t perfect but it’s pretty good. All credits go to OCangaceiro @CG for this fine fandubbing work.

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  1. Anunay Sharma
    June 5, 2022

    Can’t play any movie. It always shows “ sent an invalid response”.

    • Jon W.
      June 7, 2022

      Can you try with a different browser? Movie plays fine for me.

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