John Garfield (2003)


Mark Rappaport completed his concise portrait of the legendary John Garfield in 2002, comprised (like much of his filmed essays) from existing film footage of the actor. Exceptionally engaging, Rappaport’s extraordinary short contains more insightful observations of its subject than many feature-length biographical documentaries.

Director: Mark Rappaport.
Writer: Mark Rappaport.


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  1. Tony Williams
    May 7, 2022

    Brilliant as all Rappaoirt’s found footage films are.

  2. Allan morris
    June 19, 2022

    A very good prologue to re-visiting Garfield’s films. Seeing these clips underscored how great a loss his early death was. One can only imagine how his career might have developed from seeing these examples. Thanks again Jon.

  3. Pamela L.
    December 30, 2022

    Excellent but too short–rather like his life. Like his brilliant performances, it leaves you intrigued and wanting more.

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