Wo zhe yang guo le yi sheng (1985) AKA Kuei-Mei, A Woman


Arriving in Taiwan in the 1950s, Kuei-mei makes a disadvantageous marriage to a widower with three unruly kids and a bad gambling habit. Beautifully portrayed by celebrated actress Yang, she weathers pregnancies, her husband’s infidelity, her daughter’s resentment, a stint as servant in Japan, divorce, and illness while struggling to keep the family restaurant business afloat.

Director: Yi Chang. AKA Kuei-Mei, A Woman / 我這樣過了一生
Writers: Yi Chang, Sa Hsiao (novel & screenplay).
Stars: Hui-Shan Yang, Li-Chun Lee, Hsiang-Ping Hu, Ming Liu, Laula Luo, Lo-Hui Shaw, Elten TIng, Wen-Ying, Ying Ying.
Cinematographer: Wei-Han Yang.
Composer: Hung-Yi Chang.


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One Comment

  1. June 2, 2022

    wow, thanks for this. <3 Taiwan

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