Teenage Tupelo (1995)


In Tupelo, Mississippi, in 1962, a poor, young, single mother is impregnated by a womanizing has-been singer. Her mother tries to force her to give the child away but our heroine isn’t sure. As she tries to solve her problems she receives assistance from unlikely quarters: a lesbian gang and the feminist/nudist/stripper/adult film star they idolize.

Director: John Michael McCarthy.
Writer: John Michael McCarthy.
Stars: D’Lana Tunnell, Hugh Brooks, Wanda Wilson, Kristen Hobbs, Dawn Ashcraft, Sophie Couch, Phillip Tubb, Nancy Taylor, Edd Hurt, Chris Conner, Harry Dach, Mark Stokes, Dave Tosh, Paul Woodard, Vella Blackburn, Cindy Blair, Dave Lorrison, Justin Thompson.
Cinematographer: Darin Ipema.
Composers: Scott Bomar (as a different name), Jeff Goggans (as Impala), John Stivers (as Impala), Justin Thompson (as Impala).


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  1. December 6, 2021

    It’s inconceivable that I won’t be watching this.

  2. Tveitt Irgens
    December 7, 2021

    Thanks in advance

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