A Tribute To Stephen Sondheim (1995)


Broadcast on A&E on January 12, 1995, this special is a recording of the presentation of the Algur H. Meadows Award for Excellence in the Arts presented by Southern Methodist University in 1994. The performance, by students at the school and guest artists Bernadette Peters, Chip Zien and Debra Monk, is intercut with interviews with Sondheim, Hal Prince, James Lapine and videotaped testimonials from Angela Lansbury and Jason Alexander. The less said about the student performances, the better, but the professional Sondheim veterans more than deliver, and the whole evening is worth seeing Sondheim himself at the piano accompanying Peters on β€œSend in the Clowns.”

Director: John Neville Andrews, Lynn Gartley.


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  1. Jon W.
    December 15, 2021

    RIP Stephen Sondheim (March 22, 1930 – November 26, 2021).

  2. Martin
    December 16, 2021

    THANK YOU!!!!

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