The Sitter (1991)


In this exciting thriller, schizophrenic Nell throws her mother down the stairs, then heads off to a babysitting job. Nell is completely delusional and thinks that the girl she is babysitting is her daughter. She causes a lot of trouble, including killing a dog and murdering her stepfather and a maid whom she thought would tell on her. Can she be stopped before she harms her babysitting charge?

Director: Rick Berger.
Writers: Charlotte Armstrong (book), Rick Berger (teleplay).
Stars: Kim Myers, Brett Cullen, Susan Barnes, Kimberly Cullum, Susanne Reed, James McDonnell, Eugene Roche, Patricia George, Maria Richwine, Adolfo Quinones.


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One Comment

  1. November 28, 2021

    Good remake. Original is don’t bother to knock with M Monroe I guess. Thank you

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