Surrealist film based on a nightmare. Arsène, a lonely and restless young man suffering from persecution mania, tries to protect himself from thieves – and from himself – by setting traps in his home. Helplessly he assists in the robbery and looting of his house by a couple of kleptomaniac girls, whom he has deliberately taken to his house. Fascinated by them, during the night he becomes his own executioner and the plaything of destructive childhood fantasies. Thus the prediction of the traps seller who had diagnosed his “fear of being robbed” is fulfilled.
Director: Jacques Baratier.
Writers: Jacques Baratier, Odilon Cabat, Ornella Volta.
Stars: Bernadette Lafont, Bulle Ogier, Jean-Baptiste Thierrée, Fernando Arrabal, Eve Mylonas, Arlette Emmery, Jackie Raynal.
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