The Wetback Hound (1957)


The film focuses on a hound dog named Paco. Paco lives with some Mexican ranchers in Sonora, where he is employed as a hunting dog who hunts mountain lions. Mountain lions are a scourge against ranchers, but Paco has a hard problem focusing on his work. Instead, Paco keeps running off and chasing after harmless deer.

Director: Larry Lansburgh.
Stars: Rex Allen (voice), Marvin Glenn, Warner Glenn.

1958 Academy Awards – Winner of an Oscar for Best Short Subject, Live Action Subjects.


Many thanks to Steve for sending me a copy of this short film.

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  1. Bob Verini
    December 26, 2020

    The title isn’t exactly P.C. but this is a beautiful film any dog lover will be thrilled to own, and watch again and again.

  2. Scott Marks
    December 26, 2020

    Not to be a kvetch, but I can’t get rid of the control bar at the bottom of the screen. Thanks in avance.

    • Jon W.
      December 27, 2020

      Thanks for that, Scott, I changed the settings now, please refresh.

  3. Scott Marks
    December 27, 2020

    Refreshed! Thanks, Jon. I’ve been on here all day!

  4. Bernard Belanger
    December 29, 2020

    Although it was fine a few days ago this (and quite a few others) no longer seems to be able to play. The control bar indicates a 0:00 running time.

  5. Jon W.
    January 2, 2021

    Working again!

  6. Patrick Trimble
    January 3, 2021

    A charming, well-made live action by Disney Studios. Like Bob Verini, I blanched at the politically incorrect reference to calling a Mexican dog a “wetback,” but it does not detract very much when enjoying the great cinematography.

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