Danilo Treles: O fimismenos andalousianos mousikos (1986) AKA Danilo Treles: The Famed Andalusian Musician


An English singer travels around the Greek countryside. He meets a strange creature, part man part fox, and together they start looking for Danilo Treles, a legendary musician from Andalusia. Tornes’ craziest film wears its heart on its sleeve, starting with the title, which could conceivably allude to a Spanish surname but even the director himself could not deny the direct reference to the Greek language (Treles translates into madness).

Director: Stavros Tornes. AKA Danilo Treles: The Famed Andalusian Musician
Writers: Stavros Tornes, Charlotte Van Gelder.
Stars: Sotiria Leonardou, Stelios Anastasiadis, Aren Bee, Deedee M. Fadul, Roberto de Angelis, Francesco Calimera, Yannis Iliopoulos, Francois Stefanou, Stavros Tornes.



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One Comment

  1. new jeans12
    December 31, 2024

    Is it possible to get a re upload for this?

    Thank you

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