Veneno para las hadas (1984) AKA Poison for the Fairies


Mexico City circa 1965: Flavia is an aristocratic little girl, who is very lonely and bored. At school she meets and befriends a strange and beautiful girl named Verónica, who dreams of becoming a witch. Their games get increasingly sadistic and macabre, and escalate to involve the bloody murder of a piano teacher and macabre mayhem.

Director: Carlos Enrique Taboada. AKA Poison for the Fairies.
Stars: Ana Patricia Rojo, Elsa María Gutiérrez, Leonor Llausás, Carmen Stein, María Santander, Ernesto Schwartz, Rocío Lazcano, Blanca Lidia Muñoz.


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  1. May 21, 2020

    Wonderful movie, great director! thank you

  2. steveT
    May 5, 2021

    holy cow…WOW,Ive been waiting so long to see this movie,utterly remarkable,thank you so much for this.

  3. John
    December 18, 2021

    18 Dec ’21


    Great movie and it is greatly underestimated! Director Carlos Enrique Taboada does a superb job with the cinematography, screenplay, editing and VERY beautiful scenes. The two young actresses are adorable. Ana Patricia Rojo and Elsa Maria Gutierrez do a great job acting! I purchased my new and sealed DVD on Ebay – release date 1984. Pricey but worth it! I paid $80. It has English subtitles for non-Spanish speaking people. They are out of production – I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY. It won 5 academy awards. I highly recommend it and give it 5 stars ***** out of 5 ***** !!!!!

  4. Robert M
    July 19, 2024

    This is Taboada’s masterpiece. He is famous for “Mas negro que la noche” [Darker Than Night] and “Hasta el viento tiene miedo” [Even the Wind is Afraid] but this is his best. Lovely script and cinematography.

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