Music of the Spheres (1984)


Set in the not-too-distant future, when the existing world economy has collapsed, and the new city-states are controlled by computers, many of which require a kind of telepathic linkage with a human counterpart. When the most important of these computers exhibits strange patterns during a crucial operation, its counterpart, a top scientist named Melody, begins having psychic experiences. For a low-budget film, a surprisingly deep exploration of emotions vs. logic and the elusive search for truth.

Director: Philip Jackson (as G. Philip Jackson).
Stars: Anne Dansereau, Peter Brikmanis, Jacques Couture, Kenneth Gordon, Philip Jackson, Philip Jackson, Ken Lemaire, Grant Roll, Cory Siddall.


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One Comment

  1. harry capstan
    May 3, 2022

    I didn’t last long with this. The acting is awful. More like a fifties film than one from the mid eighties.

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