Die andere Seite (1931) AKA The Other Side


First World War. The young Englishman Lieutenant Raleigh is transferred into the regiment of the disilliusioned Captain Stanhope. Stanhope harbours a secret love for Raleigh’s sister and so tries to maintain the image of himself as the model officer. An advance against the German lines, in which Raleigh takes part, is a catastrophic bloodbath. As a result Raleigh is now aware of the horrific nature of war, which has overcome Stanhope too. When the Germans attack again, the English base is destroyed.

Director: Heinz Paul. AKA The Other Side
Stars: Conrad Veidt, Theodor Loos, Friedrich Ettel, Viktor de Kowa, Wolfgang Liebeneiner, Paul Otto, John Mylong, William Trenk, Reinhold Bernt.


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One Comment

  1. Frieder Schöbel
    February 6, 2024

    Shows the hard problems of war from the dugout very clearly.

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