Senza parole (1996) AKA Wordless


Celestino has communication problems because of his incomprehensible native dialect. When he falls madly in love with a deaf girl called Rosetta, he learns sign language and pretends to be deaf as well in order to court her.

Director: Antonello De Leo. AKA Wordless
Stars: Rocco Papaleo, Rosa Masciopinto, Luca Amorosino, Fabio Camilli, Kadour Naimi.

1997 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Film, Live Action.


Note: English subtitles courtesy of my friend and frequent rarefilmm collaborator Steve N., big thanks to him for taking the time to translate this charming little film.

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One Comment

  1. Shark
    August 31, 2022

    Wholesome describes this short perfectly!
    Can I request it softsubbed?

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