The story of a mysterious traveling circus that arrives in a village accompanied by a sunglass-wearing cat named Mokol. When the cat’s glasses are removed, people in the village appear bathed in different colors that reflect their true feelings.
Director: Vojtech Jasný. AKA When the Cat Comes / The Cassandra Cat
Stars: Jan Werich, Emília Vásáryová, Vlastimil Brodsky, Jirina Bohdalová, Jirí Sovák, Vladimír Mensík, Karel Effa, Vlasta Chramostová, Stella Zázvorková, Karel Vrtiska, Václav Babka, Alena Kreuzmannová, Jaroslav Mares, Ladislav Fialka, Jana Werichová.
1963 Cannes Film Festival – Nominated for the Palme d’Or.
Jon, thank you! Looking forward to this.
Amazing! Thank you!
This movie was incredible – a beautifully shot mixture of um…. The Red Shoes and That Darn Cat ? I just really enjoyed everything about it