Frontier Gun (1958)


Frontier Gun is another of the moderately interesting low-budget westerns turned out by 20th Century-Fox’s Regal Films subsidiary in the late 1950s. John Agar plays Jim Crayle, who offers his services as voluntary marshal when crazed gunman Yubo inaugurates a reign of terror. Unfortunately, Crayle is unable to outdraw Yubo due to a wrist injury, leading the townsfolk to assume that their new marshal is yellow. Only when his argument with Yubo becomes personal does Crayle truly rise to the occasion.

Director: Paul Landres.
Stars: John Agar, Joyce Meadows, Barton MacLane, Robert Strauss, Lyn Thomas, James Griffin, Morris Anktum, Leslie Bradley, Doodles Weaver, Mike Ragan, Sammy Ogg, Tom Daly, George Brand, Claire Du Brey, Dan White, Dan Simmons, Sydney Mason.


Many thanks to John for sending me a copy of this movie.

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One Comment

  1. Ralph Bradley
    August 22, 2022

    Better than many A westerns. Good performances all round supported by an excellent script even though it dwells in a familiar area of that time of a town’s citizenry being cowed by a few bad men. The church minister summed it up well as he tried to get his flock to have a change of heart, ‘Most of us would like to pay the Marshal and let him take the risks. I think of myself as a practising Christian but it doesn’t mean I’ve to be a practising coward.’.
    Yubo spent most of his time sitting in his saloon sending out others to do his dirty work. That was to change..
    NB: Some of the street scenes looked like those from ‘Forty Guns’ of the previous year.

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