Neun Leben hat die Katze (1968) AKA The Cat Has Nine Lives


In the summer of 1967, journalist Katharina is visited in Munich by her French friend, Anne. They take day trips and visit cafés, acquaintances and parties. In a series of conversations, they talk about the chances for female emancipation in a male-dominated society… This essay film puts five different types of women at the centre of the episodic narrative – an unmarried professional woman, a divorcee confused about her future, a career woman, a deceived wife and a “dream woman”

Director: Ula Stöckl. AKA The Cat Has Nine Lives
Stars: Liane Hielscher, Kristine de Loup, Jürgen Arndt, Elke Kummer, Alexander Kaempfe, Antje Ellermann, Hartmut Kirste, Heidi Stroh.


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  1. Jarvis
    September 4, 2019

    Fascinating New German Cinema gem and a great addition! Thank you!

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