Flight (1929)


Following college graduation, “Lefty” Phelps joins a U.S. Marine flight school, where he quickly becomes good friends with flight instructor Panama Williams. During training, their bond is strengthened when Williams courageously rescues Phelps after a crash. But when both men are taken to the hospital, they happen to fall for the same nurse, straining their friendship. The love triangle comes to a breaking point when all three are sent to Nicaragua.

Director: Frank Capra.
Stars: Jack Holt, Lila Lee, Ralph Graves, Alan Roscoe, Harold Goodwin, Jimmy De La Cruze.


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One Comment

  1. Patrick Trimble
    November 4, 2021

    This is what we mean when we talk about the Hollywood Studio system & the illusionistic style of American filmmaking. It is a story probably copied a thousand times in film: in a particular branch of the armed services (pick one, anyone), an old veteran befriends a rowdy young ace & they bond over the elements of manhood until a beautiful woman comes between them, Then, only the cruel & relentless call of battle reunites them & a happy peace can be won. It is straight narrative plots driven by logical jump shots, sentimental scripts, and telling shot/reverse shot framing forms with tell-tale close-ups. Still, Frank Capra was a master of the form so this is a joy to watch with all its silliness. Thanks Jon!

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