Birch Street Gym (1991)


A group of elderly retirees join a boxing gym, and rediscover their self-worth as they repudiate expectations that they’re too old to lead vigorous lives. Jack is particularly relieved to escape the tedium of his retirement home, as he advances to challenge brutish Rocco for the club championship. But Rudy, the club’s operator, must battle local officials who are trying to close the club out of fear that the members are endangering themselves.

Director: Stephen Kessler.
Stars: Joe Alfasa, Jack Anker, Willie Armstrong, Monty Ash, Harold Ayer, Benny Baker, Vincent Barbi, Jack Bruskoff, Gordon Craig, Donald Elson, Jonathan Emerson, John Finnegan, Morry Flansbaum, Sam H. Ginsburg, Seamon Glass.

1992 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Film, Live Action.


Note: Many thanks to Steve for sending me a copy of this short film.

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  1. Vidor
    January 15, 2020

    “Html5 Video file not found”

    Does it matter what sort of device you use? Would I have better luck on a Windows machine as opposed to this iPad?

    • Jon W.
      January 15, 2020

      Refresh please, Vidor, I changed the streaming link.

  2. Victor anker
    March 1, 2021

    “if I say we’ll be there Friday night…”. My dad! Jack anker…

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