With Love to the Person Next to Me (1987)


Wallace is a Melbourne taxi driver who lives in a block of run-down small apartments in St Kilda on the bay. When not driving his cab, he makes apple cider and broods about his past.

Director: Brian McKenzie.
Stars: Kim Gyngell, Paul Chubb, Barry Dickins, Sally McKenzie, Beverley Gardiner, Daniel Scharf, Terry Gill, Peter Black, Dalibor Satalic, Cliff Heard, Pat Elischer, Patsy Martin, Vince D’Amico, Simon Wilmot, Tibor Gyapjas.


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  1. michael kelly
    June 22, 2023

    Thanks for posting this film, I never knew it existed. I lived in boarding houses in St Kilda where this was shot and worked as a taxi driver in Melbourne at the time this film was made so it was very familiar, I even knew one of the cast. A terrific little independent movie that caught the time and place of Melbourne in the late 80’s. A downbeat, gritty, intelligent little film eschewing the tendency of most Australian films of this time to make caricatures and cliches of its characters or to glamorise their surroundings.

  2. Paul kitt
    June 11, 2024

    My favourite Australian movie.

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