The Great Waltz (1972)


The romantic and professional life of composer Johann Strauss Jr. provides the basis of this colorful remake of the 1938 version.

Director: Andrew L. Stone.
Stars: Horst Buchholz, Mary Costa, Nigel Patrick, Yvonne Mitchell, Rossano Brazzi, Susan Robinson, George Howe, Vicki Woolf, James Faulkner, Lauri Lupino Lane, Paola Loew, Ingrid Wayland, Hermione Farthingale, Marty Allen, Lorna Nathan.


Note: Many thanks to Michael for sending me a copy of this movie.

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  1. Michael
    May 2, 2019

    This version was hard to find. Many thanks Jon

  2. Geoff jarvis
    September 9, 2019

    Been looking for this film forever thanks so much

  3. Truong Minh Khan
    April 25, 2020

    i saw this movie when is was boy in Viet Nam war 1972. .Now I see this movie in USA . I am 70 years old . Special thank to you . Truong Minh Khan 1952 .

  4. September 13, 2021

    I was a music student in Vienna in 1972 and one of my friends was Chris Stone, Andrew Stone’s son. He got some of us parts in the movie. This was James Faulker’s first movie, well mine too, but he played Josef Strauss, Johan’s brother. I was only one of the musicians in the Strauss orchestra. James hung our with me and the other music students because we were all the same age. The rest of the cast were in their 40’s or older.

  5. November 4, 2021

    A great movie, but is not recorded in a commercial DVD. I would like to bay in with sob titltes in spanish

  6. May 8, 2024

    Wouldn’t it be nice to have THE GREAT WALTZ 1972 finally arrive officially on home video, SO LONG OVERDUE as of this moment in 2024 . . . impeccably restored to 4K, Blu-ray and DVD, and with some extras? Kino Lorber did a magnificent job with their sumptuous, first-ever widescreen HD release of SONG OF NORWAY in 2020. Please, someone pick up the baton. I also long to have THE GREAT WALTZ 1972 soundtrack on CD — filled out to include all its beautiful underscoring that Roland Shaw did so well, as he did on SONG OF NORWAY. Won’t someone finally release Song of Norway on CD as well, also with additional underscoring? Andrew L. Stone so lovingly and painstakingly produced these two films for us. — and IMO was never given his due, directing exclusively on location, and Panavised and SuperPanavistically shot by Davis Boulton. I look forward to the day his visions are celebrated once again “for the heart to sing, for the world to love.”

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