Reborn (1981) AKA Renacer


A man discovers that his girlfriend is a “stigmata” (someone whose hands and feet mysteriously bleed in the same places where Jesus Christ was crucified) and tries to keep her out of the hands of a greedy TV preacher who plans to exploit her to make money for himself.

Director: Bigas Luna.
Stars: Dennis Hopper, Michael Moriarty, Francisco Rabal, Antonella Murgia, Kit Massengill, Xabier Elorriaga, Robert Dunn, Jo Perkins, Charles Bacarisse, Leslie Cox, Consol Tura, James Carrington, Robert Dunn, Lola Forcada, Àngel Jové. AKA Renacer


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One Comment

  1. jack
    January 12, 2024

    Watched Bigas Luna’s Anguish at a horror festival and absolutely loved it. Really enjoyed this as a follow up viewing. Can’t wait to explore more of this guy’s hard-to-find filmography

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