48 Hours to Live (1959)


A spy melodrama in which a New York newspaper reporter, sent to Gotland to interview a nuclear scientist, becomes involved with foreign agents who have kidnapped the scientist’s daughter.

Director: Peter Bourne.
Stars: Anthony Steel, Birger Malmsten, Lewis Charles, Håkan Westergren, Ina Anders, Peter Bourne, Dusty Rutledge, Sven-Eric Gamble, John Starck, Annalena Lund, Birgitta Öfling, Stella Rehnmark, Bengt Lindström, Gull Christenson, Fredrik Ohlsson, Marlies Behrens, Ingemar Johansson, Kerstin Adams.


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  1. Barry Fantoni
    December 23, 2019

    Watching this film is like staying in a 1950’s bed and breakfast in Scunthorpe. No hot water. Fried bread for breakfast and locked out after 10 at night, Possibly the worst film ever made.

  2. Daniel Humphrey
    February 26, 2022

    Not really a good film, but it kept me entertained in it’s good-spirited slovenliness and so bad it’s fun way. It was also a treat seeing a film actually shot on location in Gotland (and, I think the Bergman Island itself, Fårö, and featuring Bergman leading man (of the pre-Max Von Sydow era), Birger Malmsten, in a rare English-language performance.

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