Harry Tracy, Desperado (1982) AKA Harry Tracy: The Last of the Wild Bunch


By the turn of the 20th century, Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, Billy the Kid and virtually all of the West’s legendary outlaws are either dead or in jail pending execution. Well, all, except train robber and escape artist extraordinaire, Harry Tracy. As the last survivor of the Wild Bunch, Tracy pulls off a series of profitable robberies before making his way west to Portland, Oregon, in search of Catherine Tuttle – a judge’s daughter who has captured his heart.

Director: William A. Graham. AKA Harry Tracy: The Last of the Wild Bunch
Stars: Bruce Dern, Helen Shaver, Michael C. Gwynne, Gordon Lightfoot, Daphne Goldrick.


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  1. Robert Haigh
    January 27, 2020

    Nice to see a good quality version of this underrated film. I had previously only seen the inferior quality (picture-wise) one on You Tube. A striking performance from Bruce Dern, with good support from Helen Shaver. The rest of the cast turn in decent performances too, in my opinion. I found myself rooting for the “desperado” here. The lawmen showed little emapathy and not much more humanity. A poignant ending. I enjoyed watching this film very much. I’m a big fan of Gordon Lightfoot’s music, so it was interesting to see him in an acting role instead.

  2. Jeremiah Ford
    April 23, 2024

    In the year 1900, or turn of the century, Butch and Sundance were not in prison or dead. They were doing their thing and possibly already making plans to leave for South America. They did make their get away in early 1901, by ship, with Sundance’s girlfriend Etta Place.

  3. June 12, 2024

    A fine film that touched me with kindness & emotion. Many Thanks for this.
    Dont cry too often anymore but this film did that to me.

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