rarefilmm | The Cave of Forgotten Films Posts

March 13, 2018 / Comedy

To escape sinful impulses, Ben Harvey, a callow youth, leaves his small town for Chicago in 1910. A pickpocket promptly relieves him of his money, and he nearly starves before Queen Lil takes him under her wing, gives him a room in her high-class bordello, and gets him a job at a newspaper. He’s so sweet and dumb, he thinks Lil’s is a boarding house. He’s soon caught up in an electoral struggle between a secretly corrupt reformer and an openly corrupt councilman.

March 13, 2018 / Pre Code

Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.

March 13, 2018 / Drama

Transport from Paradise is set in an unusual World War II concentration camp. The lax Nazi guards permit their Jewish prisoners to roam freely about the camp and conduct their own business and social affairs, without the threat of instant extermination looming over their heads. The prisoners’ main fear is that they may at any moment be shipped off to one of the death camps.

March 8, 2018 / Comedy

Bobby Lee is beginning to feel hemmed in — his wife has lost some of her appeal and his friends and family keep viewing him like the forty-year-old he will soon be. After his father dies, he is unable to take it anymore, and he hooks up with a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader on a trip to that city. He may have traded in his business suite for denim, jeans, and cowboy boots, but he soon finds that a real transformation is not so easy.

March 8, 2018 / TV Movie

Max Raines and her mom are going to visit a friend, where she meets his son. Rich playboys don’t interest Max. But she gives him a chance, and they get to know each other better…

March 5, 2018 / Thriller
March 5, 2018 / TV Movie

Terence Knapp plays Father Damien in this TV adaptation of the stage play. Damien goes to Hawaii in the late 1800s to care for lepers. Now deceased from leprosy, Father Damien appears as a spirit recounting his life as his funeral procession is carried out.

March 5, 2018 / TV Movie

This is story of Paulie Cooper, a former med student who becomes ill with paranoid schizophrenia and loses 18 years of her life due to the sickness. After her release from a mental ward Paulie struggles to rebuild her life with help from doctors, nurses and a new experimental medicine drug that would help aid her back to health.