rarefilmm | The Cave of Forgotten Films Posts

August 3, 2018 / Comedy

Set in England, post-World War III; three young women attempt to balance their waitress jobs and their respective love-lives whilst their employer’s restaurant – and all the waitresses – is investigated for potential black-market food trading.

August 3, 2018 / Western

Eddie and his sidekicks have been called in to help get a new telegraph line through. Dawson and his men along with his stooge Judge are out to stop them. When Eddie and the boys catch three of Dawson’s men destroying telegraph equipment, the Judge releases them and this leads to the showdown between the two sides.

August 2, 2018 / Animation

Italy’s response to the Disney classical music/animation hybrid “Fantasia,” this film features a series of cartoon shorts set to the likes of Claude Debussy, Joseph-Maurice Ravel and Antonio Vivaldi. The animated segments feature both the humorous and fantastical: an aged satyr attempts to regain its lost youth, a bee is interrupted mid-meal by two lovers, the myth of Adam and Eve is retold and more. In between cartoons, a filmmaker struggles to complete the film.

August 2, 2018 / Western
August 2, 2018 / Drama

Emilia works in a fashion house. Her modest salary does not allow her to buy the clothes she would like to wear. One night there is a dance and, being very in love with her boyfriend, she decides to borrow an outfit to impress him. However, everything goes wrong and when the robbery is discovered she is dismissed. Shortly after this, she discovers she is going blind and, on top of that, her mother dies.

August 2, 2018 / Drama
August 2, 2018 / Action

A police officer is murdered with a bayonet while staying in hospital. The investigative team, lead by Martin Beck, soon discover that the man had frequently abused suspects as well as civilians but that any complaints had been ignored owing to the misguided loyalty of his colleagues. The volatile mind of the killer means that Beck has to resolve the case quickly before more people are hurt.

August 2, 2018 / Comedy

The Countess, a wealthy American with an addiction to card games and a large real estate portfolio, has become an expert on the card games of all the countries where she owns houses. The regional favorite in Rome is a card game called “scopone” and the Countess summons a married couple to be her adversaries. The couple are the poorest of the poor, but the Countess supplies them with one million lire to play with, promising them that they can keep the money should they beat her.