Category: Short

June 27, 2019 / Short
June 26, 2019 / Short

With his side bleeding, a man called Shadow limps through a black and white landscape of burned out buildings, funeral processions, and memories that are in color. He wants to bathe, to clean his wound, but he finds no one willing to let him use their water. The residents of the township capture a young man accused of rape. The two men’s paths cross and Shadow’s place in society is revealed. Will the blood wash off?

June 26, 2019 / Short
June 22, 2019 / Documentary
June 13, 2019 / Experimental

On stormy night in an ugly urban landscape, Ciro Norte, a scientist with wild hair and thick glasses, straps himself to a chair he’s has fashioned with wires: lightening strikes, convulsing him. It seems his experiment has not worked. The next day, he drives his jalopy to a bar, sits alone, and weeps. But suddenly, a vortex sucks him into a dream state where he wanders, escapes man-eating fish, confronts his doppelganger, walks through a field of giant flowers, and comes upon Venus herself, buried up to her shoulders in sand. 

May 13, 2019 / Documentary

A portrait of Luther Metke, a veteran of the Spanish-American War, poet, philosopher and builder of log cabins in the State of Oregon, in the northwest of the United States.

May 10, 2019 / Experimental

Directed by French author Georges Perec, Les Lieux d’une fugue is an autobiographical account of the writer’s experience of running away from his aunt’s house at age 11. As much a meditation on the streets of Paris as it is personal narrative, Les Lieux d’une fugue examines how Perec’s verbal games play out alongside a movie camera.

May 4, 2019 / Documentary