Category: Documentary

February 9, 2021 / Documentary

Hibakusha is the Japanese word for the survivors of the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This powerful and moving documentary focuses on a few of the eighty hibakusha who journeyed from Japan to New York in June, 1982, to take part in peace demonstrations held to coincide with the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament. They came to urge the nations of the world to prevent nuclear war. Instead of concentrating on the physical suffering of the victims, the film reveals the mental anguish of the hibakusha, who are still haunted by nightmares.

December 26, 2020 / Comedy

The protagonist of this film is a former silent film actor who has saved old movies of his time from destruction, and uses them to set up recreational performances at schools. After an accidental fire and the risk of prison, he meets a rich producer who helps him to build a film museum.

December 26, 2020 / Documentary

Imagining Ulysses is a compelling and beautifully shot feature-length documentary about James Joyce’s epic novel. The film is true to its source material in incorporating an 18-part structure, with each segment presented in a distinctive style. The experimental approach is balanced by the desire to make the novel accessible to a wide audience.

December 26, 2020 / Documentary

A year in the life of the Palm Springs Follies, featuring beautiful ageless performers from around the world in a show that is always standing room only. The film intercuts colorful interviews with the participants and footage of auditions, rehearsals, and the actual performances.

December 2, 2020 / Documentary

A behind-the-scenes look at the Young Americans, a show choir made up of young singers who project an image of all-American wholesomeness as they tour the country and perform.

November 24, 2020 / Documentary

Kazuo Hara, who rattled the Japanese establishment with The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On and Goodbye CP, turns his camera on controversial writer Mitsuharu Inoue in this powerful documentary. Originally intending to spend years on the project, Hara was forced to change his plan when he discovered that Inoue was dying from cancer. The result is a moving film that captures the essence of the contentious writer’s life–and the significance of his death. A Dedicated Life is not only a tribute to a courageous man, but it also reveals Hara’s own dedication to outsiders, mavericks, and nonconformists who chaff against the constraints of normal society.

November 24, 2020 / Documentary

Debut feature film from one of the most widely recognized directors from China’s “New Generation” of filmmakers, Ju Anqi. Filmed in Spring 1999, a gonzo camera crew roams the streets of China’s capital, asking random passersby, “Is the wind strong in Beijing?” This ambiguous question provokes a startling variety of responses that expose social and cultural anxieties within contemporary China.

November 21, 2020 / Documentary

Paparazzi explores the relationship between Brigitte Bardot and groups of invasive photographers attempting to photograph her while she works on the set of Jean-Luc Godard’s film Le Mépris (Contempt). Through video footage of Bardot, interviews with the paparazzi, and still photos of Bardot from magazine covers and elsewhere, director Rozier investigates some of the ramifications of international movie stardom, specifically the loss of privacy to the paparazzi. The film explains the shooting of the film on the island of Capri, and the photographers’ valiant, even foolishly dangerous, attempts to get a photograph of Bardot.