Sándor Reisenbüchler’s animated film of the Ferenc Juhász poem is a magical mythological tale featuring numerous folklore symbols, in which due to the horrors of war and the evil of man the Sun and the Moon vanished from the sky. This visionary film singing of the universal struggle between fairy tale Good and Evil was considered by the director a sort of ars poetica. The film was shortlisted for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1969.
Category: Animation
This puppet animation film is based on Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf. A 1936 symphonic fairy tale for children, the piece tells the story of Peter and a little bird who outwit and catch the dangerous wolf and take him to a zoo.
A gang of kids find a strange house with an overgrown garden where they play. Only once do they meet the man who lives there, a dead-beat alcoholic with a free and easy spirit who welcomes them. The children see him as a romantic character in stark contrast to their neurotically house proud parents.
A prisoner attempts to have one forget the bleakness of prison existence through coloured crayon sketches drawn on the wall. However, the prison officer does not hesitate to stamp out even this small pleasure. Adapted from a press caricature, titled “Művészek/Artists” by György Várnai, which was published in 1966 in the popular satirical weekly “Ludas Matyi/Mattie the Gooseboy”.
In the light of the moon, a young torero leaves his village to go and fight the “Toro”. An accomplice, dreamlike confrontation, where the interplay of shadows and silhouettes brings back the splendor of bullfighting mythology.
Jan Lenica’s semi-autobiographical movie about a life of a man under the number “44”. He experiences bureaucracy, abusive step-parents, oppression from the government and society. In the end, he tries to get away to the “lost paradise”.
A charming butterfly still cannot comprehend that its flutter from one flower to another can cause serious incidents. Indeed, its outline on the radar screen causes an alarm at a military base. A general sends his missiles to fight against a presumed aggressor. It was, of course, a misunderstanding and everything soon returns to normal. However, a bird directs itself towards the radar antennas. Everything begins all over again. Until when?