A short film about a player and a gambler.
Guy Ritchie’s directorial debut.
Director: Guy Ritchie.
Stars: Benedick Bates, Wale Ojo, Darren Spencer, James Tarbuck, Eli Nathanson, Suzy Ratner, Siobhan Murphy, Julius Godson, Alan Boyle, Donald Standon.
Note: This short film was uploaded on Youtube last week, but that copy seems to have lots of audio dropouts throughout the film, this rip is of better quality and has no sound issues.
Guy was a childhood neighbour. in the late 70’s/early 80’s. His basketball kept coming over our fence. Gladly returned it.
All that aside, this was enough talent, to get funded. Trudy Styler was a big funder as Sting got his role in Lock, Stock… The rest is history.round
Art Director, designer and all fan of Gangster movies.