Piano solo (2007)


Piano Solo tells the story of Luca Flores, a brilliant Italian musician. In Florence, Luca graduates with top honors in piano, but his destiny is not to become a classical pianist. He is curious to explore other worlds and meets young jazz enthusiasts who transmit their passion to him. Luca’s great talent, combined with constant practice, leads him to play with the greatest jazz musicians of the time, including Chet Baker. The film not only portrays his professional journey but also explores his loves, struggles, and inner turmoil as a young man who cannot come to terms with the ghosts of his past, ultimately leading to a tragic explosion of madness.

Director: Riccardo Milani.
Writers: Riccardo Milani, Ivan Cotroneo, Claudio Piersanti, Walter Veltroni (book).
Stars: Kim Rossi Stuart, Jasmine Trinca, Paola Cortellesi, Michele Placido, Sandra Ceccarelli, Claudio Gioè, Mariella Valentini, Corso Salani, Roberto De Francesco, Konrad Podolny, Alba Rohrwacher, Maurizio Urbani, Alan King, Federica Vincenti.
Cinematographer: Arnaldo Catinari.
Composer: Lele Marchitelli.


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Many thanks to Alex for the help with OCR of the Engish subtitles.

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One Comment

  1. Tveitt Irgens
    October 17, 2023

    Thank you! Haven’t seen this in quite a few years. Time for a re-view!

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