The Officer and the Lady (1941)


Helen Regan, the daughter of a crippled ex-police officer whose disability makes her hesitant about getting romantically involved with policeman Bob Condon. But her doubts are shelved after Bob rescues her and her father, Dan Regan from Blake Standish, an escaped convict seeking revenge.

Director: Sam White.
Writers: Joseph Hoffman, Lambert Hillyer.
Stars: Rochelle Hudson, Bruce Bennett, Roger Pryor, Richard Fiske, Sidney Blackmer, Tom Kennedy, Oscar O’Shea, Joe McGuinn, Charles C. Wilson, William Hall.


Note: Many thanks to John for sending me a copy of this film.

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One Comment

  1. Rick
    April 16, 2022

    I believe that the Police Radio Dispatcher in this film was played by Fred McMurray. He had a very small speaking part, yet he was not credited or in the list of uncredited actors. He appears in the early minutes of the film around the 3 minute mark. See if you know better and can change my mind.

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