Muži bez křídel (1946) AKA Men Without Wings


After an attack on the Third Reich guard, the Nazi repression intensifies, and the organized sabotage of the Czechoslovak resistance in an airplane factory leads to Gestapo shootings. Now factory worker Petr Lom must make a choice: Is he prepared to sacrifice his life to save his co-workers?

Director: Frantisek Cáp. AKA Men Without Wings.
Writer: Bohumil Stepánek.
Stars: Gustav Nezval, Jirina Petrovická, Ladislav H. Struna, Jaroslav Zrotal, Vladimír Hlavatý, Jan W. Speerger, Jaroslav Seník, Dr. Peyer, Eduard Linkers, Paula Valenska, Marie Nademlejnská, Alois Dvorský, Ferdinand Jarkovský, Frantisek Marek, Jirí Hurta, George Pravda, Darja Hajská, Frantisek Miska.

1946 Cannes Film Festival – Winner of the Grand Prize of the Festival.


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One Comment

  1. Vidor
    September 25, 2021

    Palme d’Or winner!

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