In 1990 acclaimed filmmaker Frank Perry (DAVID & LISA, DIARY OF A MAD HOUSEWIFE) received the devastating diagnosis of inoperable prostate cancer. What might have been a death sentence became instead the impetus to create his most revealing and highly personal film. An intimate first-person portrait of the artist as cancer patient, ON THE BRIDGE is the inspirational story of Perry’s vigorous and seemingly victorious battle against the disease on its many fronts: physical, mental and spiritual. It is a battle which, like those of many fictional film figures, is full of suspense, comedy and heroics; yet this fight can’t be resolved in one scene. This fight is for keeps.
Director: Frank Perry.
Stars: Frank Perry, Lauren Bacall, Ohad Rossen.
Cinematographer: Toni Childs.
Composer: Kevin Keating.
1993 Sundance Film Festival – Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize.
Thank you so much for this rare Frank Perry film! If you’ve got his film TRILOGY, that would be the final one that I’ve found impossible to find anywhere!
Hey Jeremy,
Yes, Trilogy coming very soon, stay tuned!