Guantanamera (1995)


Satire about life in Cuba. The members of a funeral procession and some truckdrivers who have to take the same route begin to talk about god and the world ending up in discovering that life for both groups has many similarities as well as a lot of differences depending on the point of view.

Director: Tomás Gutiérrez Alea & Juan Carlos Tabío.
Stars: Jorge Perugorría, Carlos Cruz, Mirta Ibarra, Raúl Eguren, Pedro Fernández, Luis Alberto García, Conchita Brando, Suset Pérez Malberti, Assenech Rodriguez, Luisa Pérez-Nieto, Idalmis Del Risco, Ikay Romay, Mercedes Arnáez.

1995 Venice Film Festival – Nominated for the Golden Lion.


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  1. Paige B
    September 11, 2022

    Such a delightful movie. One of my favorites. Been searching for a subtitled version for a while now. THANK YOU!

  2. Jakub
    January 5, 2025

    Could you please replace the download link? This one looks good.

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