Tag: 1980s

May 5, 2019 / Drama
May 4, 2019 / Documentary
May 4, 2019 / Arthouse
May 4, 2019 / Drama
April 26, 2019 / Drama

The film centers around a group of elderly residents of an old San Francisco hotel and are threatened with eviction when a developer wants to demolish the structure. Initially, they feel resigned to their fate, but a young desk clerk gets involved and helps spearhead a resistance.

April 13, 2019 / Drama

Alexa is very attentive to her customer’s requests, but soon realizes that prostitution has limited long term career potential. She meets Tony, a scriptwriter who is writing a piece on prostitutes. Alexa falls for him, and decides to leave the profession. But her pimp has other ideas.

April 13, 2019 / Action

April 5, 1943: a battalion of the Foreign Legion arrives in El Ksour, Tunisia, to escort a fortune in gold bars to the home front. A German ambush awaits, and all but four die. Thanks to the street smarts of Sergeant Augagneur, the Legionnaires successfully counter attack. The bank manager and his seductive wife arrive, and so does a German lieutenant, whom the French arrest. Augagneur wants to steal the gold; warrant officer Mahuzard wants to do his duty. A series of alliances form and break apart, the group dwindles in number, and the gold heads south toward Betahoua. But in whose possession?

April 8, 2019 / Drama

The film is related from the point of view of Alsino, an impoverished Nicaraguan lad. While his country and its rotting buildings crumble all around him, the idealistic Alsino imagines himself to be a condor, flying far above his deprivations. It is during one of his hallucinations that Alsino jumps from a tree; the fall cripples him, turning him into a hunchback. He will only straighten out to his full proud height upon joining a guerilla band, fighting the corrupt government armies. Significantly, Alsino & the Condor was the first production to be filmed in Nicaragua after the Sandinista revolution and the overthrow of Somoza.