Category: Short

March 28, 2021 / Erotic
March 28, 2021 / Short

A street with pedestrians. Music. A voice reads the credits and clarifies, “This is a very violent film.” The action begins: a man crosses the street and enters his flat. He opens the door, puts out the fire under the kettle whistling in the kitchen, and enters the living room…

March 28, 2021 / Documentary

This film is a moving tribute to French filmmaker Jean Rouch. Pauwels, a former collaborator of Rouch, accompanies him on a trip to Japan. In this cinematic letter, which he himself calls “a journey into the memory”, Pauwels philosophises about the essence of cinema and, consequently, of life.

March 28, 2021 / Animation
March 11, 2021 / Animation

Rein Raamat’s Hell adapts the engravings of Estonian graphic artist Eduard Wiiralt into a surreal, grotesque, and heavily sexual animated short. Wiiralt’s three source works, “The Preacher,” “Cabaret,” and “Hell,” date back to the early 1930s and portray a cacophony of bacchanalia, hysteria, and violence in the final years of Estonian independence amid the unrest of the Great Depression and European instability.

March 6, 2021 / Short

The Sandwich explores the daily life and work of children in Abnoud, a rural village located 600 kilometres to the south of Cairo, where the trains that carry the tourists to the south of Egypt pass through without stopping. A boy outsmarts the meagerness of his circumstances by dripping goat’s milk on a piece of stale bread and turning it into a special sandwich.

March 6, 2021 / Experimental

Experimental ballet film with choreography by Eske Holm. Lighting and trick shots emphasize and expand body movements.

February 24, 2021 / Documentary

A short film about Dublin City using a mixture of contemporary footage, folk music and quotations from past residents, Shaw, Wilde and Behan etc. Narrated in a “conversation” by Anthony Quayle and Norman Rodway.