Category: Action

June 11, 2023 / Action

Based on Sam Greenlee’s novel, The Spook Who Sat by the Door tells the story of Black CIA agent hired to showcase agency integration in order to boost a white senator’s re-election campaign. After going undercover as a Black nationalist, he abandons the agency in order to train young recruits in Chicago to become urban guerrillas. Though filmed mostly in Gary, Indiana due to Mayor Daley’s personal distaste for the subject matter, the landscape of Chicago casts a strong shadow over the movie.

June 8, 2023 / Action

Ahn is a suicidal saxophonist, Mun is a violent simpleton with an I.Q. of 80, and Maria is a single mother with dreams of becoming a nun. Ahn has tried numerous times to kill himself but nothing has ever worked. When he witnesses his wife’s infidelity, it is the last straw. He gets a call from Mun, and both decide to take things into their own hands by robbing a café at gunpoint. They run into Maria, who is determined to find her baby who has been taken from her. Maria decides to use the two men to get her baby back and joins the team.

April 10, 2023 / Action
February 21, 2023 / Action

A vengeful Native American woman hunts for the business tycoon who destroyed her life when she was only 12. Her ordeal began when he had her parents killed and then made it look as if she did it.

January 29, 2023 / Action

A tribute to graffiti art and the city where it all began. Blest, a 19-year-old graffiti writer, has just graduated from high school. With no ambition toward mainstream goals of work and family, he spends his time bombing the city with graffiti messages until he and his crew become the most wanted bombers by the corrupt NYPD Vandal Squad. He even attracts major media and gallery attention for his tags. As they fight with their spray cans and their tags, Blest meets a political activist, Alexandra. Soon after, Blest’s relationship with Buk 50 and the crew fragments as Blest ponders his position in life.

December 29, 2022 / Action

In this tale of adventure and espionage, Charlie Case is a star gymnast whose father, Richard Charles, is an international spy. Richard has discovered the launching codes to a number of Ukrainian missiles, which he’s trying to keep from falling into the hands of enemy terrorists. Charlie unwittingly becomes involved in Richard’s schemes, and when a Soviet agent threatens the safety of her mother and brother in attempt to get the codes, she must leap into action to save their lives.

December 29, 2022 / Action

Brick Bardo is on a mission to find out which one of the world’s greatest kickboxers killed his brother. Five years ago, one of the four champs was fixing fights and set up his brother in the fight that took his life. Now Bardo must take on the gang in the ring for an all-out kickboxing fight to the finish.

December 29, 2022 / Action

Set in the future and after a nuclear disaster, cyborg warriors are the ruling class. Altered the mission of peace and order for which they were conceived by the creator, he designed Gabriel, the last cyborg, programmed to destroy all the others. On his way he will meet Nea, who is seeking revenge for the cyborg massacre in her village. Together they will search for Job , the leader, in a succession of places and events that will lead them to a perverse machination of blood and power.