Daibosatsu tôge (1960) AKA Satan's Sword


The story follows the life of Ryunosuke Tsukue, an amoral samurai and a master swordsman with an unorthodox style.

Director: Kenji Misumi.
Stars: Raizô Ichikawa, Kôjirô Hongô, Tamao Nakamura, Fujiko Yamamoto, Kenji Sugawara, Jun Negami, Ryûzô Shimada, Toshio Chiba, Saburo Niwamata, Chishû Ryû, Michiko Ai, Reiko Fujiwara, Yôichi Funaki, Yoichi Mashio, Yoshindo Yamaji. AKA Satan’s Sword


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One Comment

  1. Tom
    January 13, 2023

    This was great, would love to see the sequels or any Samurai movies of that matter uts hatd to find a bad one. Absolutely love it

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