Acclaimed British filmmaker Peter Watkins collaborates with twenty-four students from the Swedish Folk High School in Biskops-Arno to craft this highly unconventional look at the life of controversial 19th Century dramatist August Stindberg. An iconoclast who flouted the conventions of then-contemporary society to promote political and social change, Stindberg and his freethinking followers were considered outcasts whose revolutionary ideas posed a great danger to the standards of society. By purposefully structuring his film in a carefully layered, spiral manner, director Watkins aims to reflect the filmmaker’s admitted concern over the influence of mass media while simultaneously suggesting ways in which that same media might share its unique power with the people in the not-so-distant future.
Director: Peter Watkins. AKA The Freethinker
Stars: Anders Mattsson, Lena Settervall, Roland Borgström, Ingela Berger, Torsten Föllinger, Michael Rubbestad, Emil Eriksson.
Note: Ro download options as this is a very long film so the file is really big (5gb), you can opt to download the movie in two parts (same quality), so if you don’t mind having it in 2 parts you download the first part, start watching and then put to download the second part, no time wasted 😉
Thank you. This makes a fascinating companion piece to “Edvard Munch”.