Smyk (1960) AKA Skid


Czech immigrant Frantisek Král has a terrible car accident in West Berlin. The West German secret service immediately takes advantage of the situation, provides him with a new identity and starts training Král, who is suffering from partial amnesia, to become a spy and to get hold of a microfilm from Prague. At first everything goes according to plan, but when he realises his home town is anything but the dreary, suffering place that had been drummed into him, things move in a different direction…

Director: Zbyněk Brynych. AKA Skid
Stars: Jirí Vala, Jirina Jirásková, Jirina Svorcová, Walter Taub, Ivan Palec, Josef Vinklár, Jarmila Kurandová, Libuse Matejová.


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  1. Jarvis
    October 28, 2019

    A visually arresting and gripping film with some excellent set-pieces! Thank you, Jon!

  2. June 20, 2021

    Amazing. I thought Id never see this film. And that it is subtitled by Richard Rhys Davies who created the International Spy Film Guide. I am so grateful.

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